Friday, 14 August 2009

Andrea Cote

I have to say when I first came across this i thought that it just looked interesting but when I took a closer look I could see that there was more to it than what first meets the eye.

Andrea Cote is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in New York.

Hair Fall
Acrylic, Guache, Enamel and Hair on Wood
72" x 132"

"The body of the canvas, the canvas as architecture. The painting as physical structure as well as support for an abstract logic. My paintings both honour and defy the physicality of the canvas, while embracing qualities of drawing, printmaking, relief sculpture, installation, and the per-formative act."

Acrylic and hair on wall
20' x 11' x 5'
Jack the Pelican Gallery, Williamsburg, NY

Site-specific large-scale drawing created directly on the wall. I printed and drew with cut hair dipped in ink. An abstract language of line.

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