The Medium is the Massage
The medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore
I read this book for the first time on the weekend, i could not sleep at all on Saturday night so i picked up the first book from my book shelf that i had not yet read and it was "The Medium is the Massage" probably not the best book to read if you are finding it hard to sleep but never the less a brilliant read.It demonstrates how modern media is extensions of our human senses; they ground us in physicality, but expand our ability to perceive our world to an extent that would be impossible without the media. These extensions of perception contribute to McLuhan’s theory of the Global Village, which would bring humanity full circle to an industrial analogue of tribal mentality.
Personal i found some of the content hard to digest maybe as it was late in a Saturday night that i read the book but maybe because it really made me think about so many things. It is thought provoking on so many different levels.
"Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique rations of sense perceptions. the extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act the way we perceive the world.
when these change men change "
For me i would go back and read this book again parts of it for me seamed more important than others but i believe this might be because of where my head is at in terms of what i am doing or involved in at the time.
Defiantly a book to have on a shelf and go back to from time to time, what is spoke about in the book relates to so many different things and on so many levels, epic thought provoking and essential to a creative who wants to understand how we learn fit in and understand the world.
Taken from Amazon
"Well known for coining the term 'Global Village', Marshall McLuhan's thinking was, and still is, revolutionary. His theories, many of which are illustrated in this astonishing 'inventory of effects', force us to question how modes of communication have shaped society. This is an astonishing work by a truly astonishing man. The Penguin on Design series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever. This is one of four books in that series."
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