Sunday, 12 July 2009

Brece Honeycutt

Brece Honeycutt

artist statement On an early foggy October morning drive between Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA, I saw hundreds of spider webs. They were hanging in the pine trees and power lines along both sides of the thirty-mile road. These ephemeral webs, beautifully defined by the moisture from the fog, were not successfully photographed and remain in my memory.

During 2006-2007, I spun wool
in public locations and digitally recorded stories related to me by passersby about spinning. The foggy drive brought me into visual contact with nature’s spinner and weaver, the spider, Arachne of Greek myth.

During my 2008 Residency at
Pocket Utopia (Brooklyn, NY),
I spun carded wool—a process taking a mass of fiber and making it into a strand of yarn, a long line. From these yards and yards of homespun, I constructed rudimentary weavings and knitted sculptures - drawings out of wool - and installed them in the unique spaces of Pocket Utopia.

Taken from

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