Saturday, 22 August 2009

Work Experience, and Workshops

Pinhole Workshop for Summer Schools

I Planed and took a pinhole workshop for the summer schools groups on different weeks, part of this was to show the students how to make a makeshift dark room with the environment we had.
As the students were staying in halls accommodation we had a couple of spare rooms which I transformed in to a dark room. I felt this was important to do for the students to see just how an easy it is to create photographic images the original way with out the use of digital technology.

So. . . . I took a room and blacked out the window with black out material, each room has an on suite so I used that as the was room.
Once the room is fully blacked out I then put the portable red light it it, this was the safe light.
On the desk in the room I set up the DEV STOP and FIX chemicals in the trays and labelled them with extra tray's to take the photographs to wash.
The rooms were big enough for the whole group to fit in and load up each pinhole camera with the paper which was useful as well as for them all to develop the images.

once the room was set you and the students were shown how it was done and I had explained how to use the chemicals and the dark room we then had to make the pinhole cameras.
I had previously mad an example of a pinhole camera and had collected a variety of matirials and containers for them to make a camera each.

we had a selection of small box's and large box's and different sized drinks cans and circular containers.

I was impressed with the neatness of the pinhole cameras that were made by the summer school students.

I was also excited by the imaginative and effective images that they created, the workshop went on longer than anticipated as the students were enjoying it so much.

here are some pinhole images from all the workshops;

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