Wednesday, 6 January 2010

One of my "Christmas Movies" 
Son of Rambow 

 Over Christmas I spent a few days with my family, one of the presents that my sister had was the film Son Rambow. I watched it with my two younger sisters, the best way to watch this for me as we laughed and cried together.

This is such a funny film a charming film of two young and lonely boys who together decide to film their own version of the Rambow film. In many ways this film is a coming of age movie.
Sometimes you want to laugh out loud and other times you are moved to tears.

One thing that I found so beautiful was how one of the boys in the film would carry around a book everywhere with him. It was a Bible but the book had been covered on every page with illustrations, of thoughts and things of the young boy, things which he would make sense of through drawing it and putting it on to paper.

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