Respect Festival Cornwall Community work
I was introduced by chance one day to a group of women who are currently working on the organisation of respect Festival who were part of the colourful woman's network.
They were looking for someone to help with creative ideas generating for the respect festival and workshops for the festival. I was asked to join the group and communicate with the members of the group craft ideas, creative ideas and design ideas as well as come up with workshops for a youth group in Newquay, as well as doing photography for the lead up to the festival and photography on the day.
They wanted me to come up with an idea for documenting the work that they did in workshops and for the festival.
I was also asked to design the logo for the colourful woman’s network, who were part of the group. They wanted something that represented diversity and that represented colourful women, in discussions we came up with the idea of using a rainbow effect for the women symbols. Keeping it bright and bold with the text colourful women’s network on it.
Here are the first ideas that I came up with:-
This is idea 1
This is idea2
This is idea 3
And here are the final ideas, which the group went with:-
Hands of Respect!
Other ideas for the lead up to the festival were to create flags and banners with the youth group, craft stand, art work for the festival day its self, art and craft sales, and so on.
One project that I thought would be good fro the youth group to get involved with was to make flags and bunting to go up at the festival with the letters that spell out respect festival. And to make Flags, which stand up right in the ground, that has their own versions of what respect should look like. For the day its self the group asked for craft workshops, which the public can all get involved in. I came up with the idea of little flags which people will draw around there own had and decorate it in a way that represents themselves and then put it on a stick to make a flag that then can be taken through the town on the parade.
The Cornwall Respect Festival is a one day festival to celebrate the multi-cultural aspects of life here in Cornwall.
Cornwall Respect wishes to acknowledge the many different cultures in our area. We are committed to using the arts to celebrate diversity, and as a way of raising awareness of, and challenging prejudice.
This year’s festival will be held in Truro on the 29th of August. It will start at 10am in Victoria Park, followed by a carnival procession through the streets to Lemon Quay where there will be entertainment.
When we first sent out the details of this year’s festival we proposed that we would have a ticketed event to round off the day.
However thanks to endless begging, borrowing, and heartstring pulling. I am more than happy to announce that this year’s festival will now be absolutely free, yep that’s right FREE. So here is the line-up for the evening’s entertainment on Lemon Quay.
Cornwall Respect wishes to acknowledge the many different cultures in our area. We are committed to using the arts to celebrate diversity, and as a way of raising awareness of, and challenging prejudice.
This year’s festival will be held in Truro on the 29th of August. It will start at 10am in Victoria Park, followed by a carnival procession through the streets to Lemon Quay where there will be entertainment.
When we first sent out the details of this year’s festival we proposed that we would have a ticketed event to round off the day.
However thanks to endless begging, borrowing, and heartstring pulling. I am more than happy to announce that this year’s festival will now be absolutely free, yep that’s right FREE. So here is the line-up for the evening’s entertainment on Lemon Quay.
Baka Beyond
The Harpaphonics Ensemble
Kernow vibration
There are two licensed bars, and food & market stalls.
Because the event is absolutely FREE, I believe that this has provided us a great opportunity to raise some money for a worthy cause.
I am happy to announce that all donations this year will go directly to ‘Shelter Box’
In Victoria Gardens there will be music, stalls, theatre, information, face & henna painting, artwork, and much more at Victoria Park. This part of the event will be alcohol free, and family focused. There will also various workshops including;
In Victoria Gardens there will be music, stalls, theatre, information, face & henna painting, artwork, and much more at Victoria Park. This part of the event will be alcohol free, and family focused. There will also various workshops including;
Drum workshop
Belly dancing workshop
World dance workshop
Children’s marquee
BME health marquee
T’ai chi workshop
There will be a reggae sound-system, food stalls, film show, circus performers, live entertainment, DJ’s, Dance, pleasant surprises, and much more.
One thing has not changed, the Respect Festival still believe’s in saying no to racism, bigotry, and segregation; And yes to love, understanding, and acceptance.
Many of us who are a part of, or work with the many diverse communities here in Cornwall, often witness the emotional distress and consequences of racism, prejudice, and discrimination. This can at times overshadow the vibrant, exciting, and rewarding experiences that come from living in a multi-cultural society. We hope that the annual Cornwall Respect Festival will provide all of us from the youngest to the eldest with an opportunity to celebrate, talk, laugh, dance, and generally have fun together.
Cornwall respect believes that throughout the process and organisation of this festival it is vital to engage with young people. As well as offering a chance to showcase local talent, we hope to offer young people a chance to shadow the organisers, media, bands, and so on.
At the moment we are running a design a logo for respect competition and any young person, school, youth group etc. We will also be working with schools. We hope to offer workshops in theatre, costume & musical instrument making, and dance.
Please contact me for further details
Please contact me for further details
Most importantly it is not too late to be involved with, what is rapidly growing into the largest multicultural celebratory event in Cornwall this year.
It is of the highest importance to us that the festival is an inclusive event. We would welcome any ideas, and input that you may care to offer. Whether as an individual, community, organisation, institution, agency, school or college, trader, business, club, society, all are welcome.